Become an FNA Member

All home owners, renters and business owners  located within our neighborhood boundaries are welcome to become a Feldman's Neighborhood Association Member. We appreciate the participation of all residents in the neighborhood through meeting participation, volunteering, and paying dues.

When you pay your dues to Feldman's Neighborhood Association you are paying for improvements to the neighborhood. Currently we are gathering financial donations and voulnteer hours to run programs supporting the neighborhood goals of Historic Preservation, Green Infrastructure, and Bicycle/Pedestrian safety. We use a sliding scale to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute whatever they are able. We allocate those funds for things like the following:

And if you want your dues to pay specifically to one program, please send an email to letting up know how you would like your funds to be used.

You can pay dues or make donations online:

Rock the Feldman's look and support the 'hood. 

$15, can be purchased at FNA meetings, social gatherings, or by contacting

In between meetings and the annual printed newsletter, Feldman's web site and listserve are the primary communication methods for association members. A printed newsletter is mailed once a year.

Feldman's Neighborhood Association: Listserve Rules of Conduct (sign up is below)


Goals of the FNA Listserve

• Grow our neighborhood community.

• Encourage and support civic engagement.

• Address time-sensitive or controversial issues between the monthly


• Assist the City of Tucson and its departments in communicating with

citizens by publishing notices of impending events, projects, developments,

and issues.


Expectations for Conduct on the Listserve

Post in a respectful, professional, and courteous manner, and respect the

right of others to have different opinions.

Other inappropriate content:

• Hateful or objectionable content based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual

orientation or identification, or age.

• Spam.

• Misleading or intentionally erroneous information.

• Personal insults and threats.


Topics are allowed to be discussed and debated, but attacks on other

members will not be tolerated.


Extended one-on-one conversations, arguments, disagreements, and disputes

of a personal nature must be taken off list.


Postings are matters of public record. Do not post information that is

private, secure, or sensitive in nature.


Complaints about a list member's behavior on the listserve should be

directed to the listserve moderator. Complaints should not be posted on the



How You Could Lose Access

The listserve moderator will monitor the list to the best of her or his

ability, respond to complaints, and take prompt and appropriate action for

violation of the expectations for conduct on the listserve.

• If the moderator determines a complaint is justified or if listserve

conduct is out of line with expectations, the moderator will give the list

member a warning via private message.

• After a second violation, the list member will be suspended from the

listserve for 3 months.

• After three justified complaints, the list member will be suspended

indefinitely by a decision of the officers of Feldman's Neighborhood



How You Could Re-gain Access

At its discretion, the Feldman's Neighborhood Association officers may

reinstate a list member who has lost access.


Thank you for your support for civility in communications.